
Example of Picture Trail - bling

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thing 10: Wikis

I tried both 23 Things On a Stick and the Wiki Sandbox.  Both were very easy to enter information or to edit info.  I just completed an online class and the instructor suggested that my final project might work better on a Wiki than a blog.  So I am now going to setup a Wiki for our staff to use to support one another and their use of projectors and Interwrite boards in the classroom.  I think it will be very useful and our teachers are so excited about their Interwrite boards that I think they will use the site to share ideas.  I think a wiki could be very useful for sharing policies and procedures in our media centers.  I am going to try to setup one for staff to use.  I think the ideas are limitless for staff to use wikis.  
Wikis for research - that is a tough one.  I don't think we do a good enough job of teaching our students to evaluate their resources - our English teachers tell their students that they can not use Wikipedia for a resource, but I know other content area teachers allow their students to use this resource.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

You have some good practical ideas for wikis, and when you have an exciting project like your Interwrite boards, it will probably be a successful way to have staff use a wiki....good luck!
