
Example of Picture Trail - bling

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing 2 - Library 2.0

Overwhelmed - that would be me.  I do think it is important to embrace this 2.0.  I believe that it will only make us more relevant to our patrons and keep us strong.  Where do we get these 15 minutes a day that Stephen Abram talked about?  I don't know and I would tend to argue that 15 minutes isn't near enough.  For me it has to be weekends for the most part, I just don't have time during my normal working day.  I hope to learn how I might use some of these new applications and which ones would really benefit my patrons.  How has the Internet affected me at home and at work?  I know I spend way too much time looking at a computer screen both at home and at school.  The ability to have high speed Internet at home has now opened up the possibility of doing alot of my school work at home.  Is this a good thing?

1 comment:

GeekUnderling said...

Work smarter, not harder. Find efficiencies and you'll gain enough time to do your school work at school! can be done!